Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Almost There
I'm trying not to emphasize the academic side of things too much in this blog, but at this moment, that's really all I'm thinking about. Done: one paper on Shakespeare and one on Austen. To go: one paper on Tennyson's Idylls of the King. Then I get to run off and see some fun things.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
How About Some Pictures of Me With People?
My Own Reading Room
My new goal is to post something on this blog each day, minimum two sentences. And I'll try to keep the pictures coming.
Current events: I feel loved by the libraries here. I was getting worried because sometimes it's difficult to get copies of the books I need. It's really no problem because they're all at the Bodleian. And I do mean all--legally, every book published has to put a copy in the Bodleian. Oh, and you don't borrow from the Bodleian. That would be seriously illegal.
So, my real problem was that I have a hard time taking notes on my reading without my dictation software--with which I am writing to you now. I have had a problem with wrist inflammation over the past two years. It's manageable, as long as I don't type by hand. Thanks to modern miracles of technology, I talk to my computer instead. You can read books in the Bodleian only in reading rooms, where my dictating to my computer would be annoying to the other students.
Noticing this problem, I got in touch with the proper authorities. Turns out they could set me up with a private room. I now get my books delivered just down the hall from my own private study space. In fact, they are going to hook up my software onto a computer there, so I don't even have to lug my laptop. Perfect. I love Oxford University and its library staff. I am being extremely well accommodated. The room is actually the "Blind Students Reading Room," with a plaque in braille. I'll admit it's not much to look at, but it has become my Ithaca. My stress level because of it will be significantly lowered.
Pictures from Yesterday

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Trip to South Coast
Tomorrow I'll be studying all day.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Thoughts
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Why, oh why! thou god of internet dost thou plague me?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Music Stand

St. Giles Fair
On Sunday, after having two days to sort of figure out the city, I was stunned to walk down one of the main streets and find it completely blocked off. There were dozens of loud and colorful trucks and trailers squished together on the pavement. Turns out they were setting up for the largest street fair in Britain. St. Giles fair (Giles is pronounced "Jiles") was a chaotic stream of activity in the city center. I saw many Asian and Indian tourists and heard a few familiar American accents. Fairs haven't interested me since I was a little kid, but I was ecstatic when I saw that a Ferris Wheel had been set up in the middle of the street. What a perfect way to see the whole city. I took these pictures from it, and many more. There, right in front of me, were all the postcard shots I had image-searched on Google months ago. Oxford is more beautiful than I had ever anticipated.

Monday, September 7, 2009
No Rain
A Better First Post
Oxford University is composed of 39 colleges and 6 private halls. It is a stunning university with some of the best instructors and libraries in the world. I feel very fortunate to be here. I was inspired to apply to this program for many reasons--having an Oxford professor give a lecture at my college was one--and I became set on going after traveling to Australia for band tour last May. The Oxford professor made me curious about what life is like in a serious research university environment, and the Australia trip hooked me on the idea of living in a different country. A large attraction for me was the tutorial system of education in the UK. Essentially, I will be learning independently. I will spend one hour every week or fortnight with my tutors for Victorian Literature and Shakespeare after spending around twenty hours on my own researching and writing for those sessions (that's 20 for each). This system is a nice fit for me. I was home schooled and, as my Mother would tell you, I enjoy doing my own thing.
As I was preparing to leave, it was not the academics that intimidating me: it was flying by myself. I can get quite spacey and lost. While my parents were driving me to the airport, I had this clenched feeling in my stomach that I haven't felt since dangling over the slender wire tracks of a rollercoaster about to drop. I was gripping my passport holder, convinced I'd lose it even if I set it on the seat next to me. My Mom watched me walk through security, where I had two strikes--One: I didn't take my laptop out of it's case. A rather tired and otherwise disgruntle airline worker informed me that this is required. Two: I had my hair up with enough pins to set off the metal detector. An nice airline worker with more sense of humor had to use a wand to make sure I wasn't hiding anything.
Then, my boarding pass had the wrong gate on it. A few other people figured that one out, and I just followed them. At the gate, I joined the other travelers, who all had the same absent way of looking around at the gate's blue chairs and carpet; our minds were already present to a hundred different destinations, each a plane ride away. There was a woman and small boy with English accents; in nine hours, I would be the one with the accent, while they'd be traveling home.
Flying is flying. It's just what it is. Tight seats, dry air, new movies, and the allure of sleep--a state you never quite reach. I flew overnight into the perpetual dawn (which was blocked by friendly shades). On the other side, everything went smoother than I ever would have imagined. The customs line was short and quick, my bag made it through (a tiny bit damaged), and my wonderful English friends were waiting for me right outside the terminal. Steve and Jo drove all the way from Yorkshire to pick me up and take me to Oxford. My family met them during the nine months they lived in Minnesota. I was a bit bleary after the flight, but they took care of me. They even left me with a few food items once we reached my housing. I am so, so grateful to them.