On Sunday, after having two days to sort of figure out the city, I was stunned to walk down one of the main streets and find it completely blocked off. There were dozens of loud and colorful trucks and trailers squished together on the pavement. Turns out they were setting up for the largest street fair in Britain. St. Giles fair (Giles is pronounced "Jiles") was a chaotic stream of activity in the city center. I saw many Asian and Indian tourists and heard a few familiar American accents. Fairs haven't interested me since I was a little kid, but I was ecstatic when I saw that a Ferris Wheel had been set up in the middle of the street. What a perfect way to see the whole city. I took these pictures from it, and many more. There, right in front of me, were all the postcard shots I had image-searched on Google months ago. Oxford is more beautiful than I had ever anticipated.

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