Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I completed my first tutorial paper. The process of finishing it was odd---like being at the top of a roller coaster and always thinking it is about to drop....and then it doesn't....and then it still doesn't. I was in the state of "almost done" for about a day and a half. If I may toss in another simile, it was like those cheesy Hollywood characters who take forever to die---i.e. Brad Pit as Achilles in Troy. If you've never seen that movie, I don't recommend that scene. With more sadism than I usually express, I found myself gasping at the screen "Just die already will you!" Thankfully, my paper didn't die/was not the death of me. I don't like my essay, but I never like anything I write. That's why I write. It's a self-defeating cycle. Which has already begun anew because my essay on Macbeth is due Friday. "Macbeth and the progeny of Death" or "Death begets Death" or something like that. There's a lot of death in the play, no question. I'll kill it--I mean write it--tomorrow. And I'll go to a Shakespeare lecture! And it's possible there may be some dancing. Yes, I might go dancing. Oh tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...

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